Prime Time 7/8, Writing, Arbeitsheft

37 8.5 Guided writing Giving reasons a) Study the sentences below and underline/highlight the words which express reason. 1. Since working conditions are not very good in factories in Ethiopia, about one third of the workforce leave within a year. 2. Because of these conditions they look for work elsewhere. 3. They quit their jobs out of frustration because their expectations have not been met. 4. On account of this situation many people prefer to leave. 5. Owing to these conditions it is an exaggeration to call these sweatshops “escalators out of poverty”. 6. As the study proved the experts wrong, they had better rethink their remark about sweatshops. b) Complete the sentences below by adding a reason for each statement with similar constructions. Use at least two different constructions for each sentence. Statement Reason 1. This study was not successful. Many applicants left the project before it was finished. 2. Many people still do these hazardous jobs. They simply need the money to support their families. 3. The situation will change, however. The economic boom tends to improve working conditions. 8.6 Writing prompt Essay: The practices of the fashion industry Having read an article about , an organisation which tries to raise awareness about and ultimately change the practices of the global textile industry, you have decided to participate in an essay competition on the topic, organised by a fair trade agency. 5  6  In your essay you should: • describe the mechanisms of the worldwide fashion industry • evaluate the impact of these practices • suggest measures to deal with this issue Give your essay a title . Write around 400 words . Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv