Prime Time 7/8, Writing, Arbeitsheft

7 32 Growing up | Plans and future opportunities b) Write the phrases from task 2 on page 30 into your vocabulary log and add other verbs and phrases from the text “Teenage rebellion”. 7.4 Focus on form and structure Word formation a) Complete the grid below. Noun Verb Adjective(s) acceptance to accept to adjust adjustable alienation alienating to approve approving balance to balance to behave behavioural confidence to confide in to consider considering contribution contributing decision decisive defiance to defy difference different exclusion to exclude influence to influence interaction to interact to mature mature rebellion, rebel rebellious to reject rejected respect to respect surge surging b) Go online and search for “word families noun verb adjective examples” . Then add more examples of your own. Noun Verb Adjective(s) 3  Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv