Prime Time 7/8, Writing, Arbeitsheft

31 7.2 Focus on content Teenage rebellion: True or false Read the text “Teenage rebellion”. First decide whether the statements (1–6) are true (T) or false (F) and put a cross (  ) in the correct box. Then identify the sentence in the text which supports your decision and write down the first four words. Statements T F First four words 1. It is characteristic of this period that teenagers want to do their own thing and do not listen to their parents. 2. Teenagers don’t feel the need to change their current situation. 3. For teenagers the views of their friends count more than those of their parents. 4. Hormonal changes have a negligible effect on how teenagers think. 5. Teenagers who rebel tend to question their parents’ beliefs. 6. Rebelling may help teenagers to open up. 7.3 Focus on vocabulary and style Collocations: Adolescence – a period of transition a) Fill in appropriate words/phrases from the box. Together with the words in bold in the text they form useful collocations. 1  2  break away  •  control  •  cope with  •  experience  •  foster  • maintain  •  make  •  regain  •  show  •  stand up against For young people growing up is not always a pleasant experience, neither within their families nor among their peers. These times, however, are equally testing for adults, as young people want to 1  from home and from the influence of their parents and start their own lives. This process starts as soon as they leave their families for the first time to go to playgroup or kindergarten. There they already have to learn how to interact with other children and adults in a respectful way, to 2  conflicts and to 3  aggression . As children get older, they want to 4  friends who they can really trust and rely on. As a consequence, adults need to 5  friendships and help to 6  such relationships . When things go wrong, parents and educators should 7  empathy for young people to help them 8  confidence and trust , especially when they 9  feelings of alienation and rejection . Adults and peers should also provide support for the young to 10  aggressive behaviour . There is no doubt that adolescence is a tedious process of adjustment and a challenge for all people concerned. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv