Prime Time 7/8, Writing, Arbeitsheft

7 30 7 Growing up | Plans and future opportunities 7.1 Text input Teenage rebellion Until a few years ago, the child was sweet, obedient and helpful. But now she is 15 years old, and answers back to you, hardly helps you out at home, and chooses to break every home rule that you set for her. What is teenage rebellion? Teenage rebellion is an act of fighting for independence and of the refusal to accept parental advice during one’s teenage years. It leads to an intense confrontation between teens and their parents. It may seem spontaneous and illogical for adults, but there are multiple reasons for this behaviour. The desire to be independent: A teen is somewhere between being a child and an a dult. This in-between phase causes a surge in motivation to change the status quo. The urge to be independent leads to increased defiance to rules, and not listening to parents. Heightened differences with parents: The rules that they have been following since their childhood seem to be suffocating now. They question the reasoning behind them and feel that they are curtailing their freedom. Teens might like things that are “cool” for their generation but might be disapproved of by their parents. Impulsive decisions: Experts state that teens are prone to making impulsive choices. A teenager’s judgment can be overridden by the desire to seek thrill and encounter exciting experiences. It can make them go against rules, and ignore risks in favour of rewards. Peer pressure: Teenagers lay greater emphasis on the opinion of their peer groups so that they can be part of those groups. A teen might want to do things to please the peers even if the parents are against it. A change in the brain structure: Researchers note that the connections between the neurons of the brain do not develop completely till you are in your early twenties. The effect is made worse by the impact of puberty on the brain. This influences decision-making and can lead to rebellious behaviour. Hormonal changes: A mixture of hormones can cause a drastic change in the thought processes of the teenage brain. Sex hormones have a significant impact on the brain functions and may lead to problems with mood and behaviour. Positive effects of teenage rebellion However, this rebellion may have some positive impact, too: • Teens can openly express their opinions to parents. A teen is more likely to have a dialogue with the parents to understand a rule instead of following it blindly. • It makes them be independent in situations. Some rebellions lead to independence for good reasons. For example, resisting the parent’s help in packing their bags and doing it all by themselves is a big help to the parents! • It teaches elements of right behaviour. If teens never rebel, they will never get to know the consequences of improper conduct. Rebellion lets teens have a first-hand lesson on what is right and what is wrong. • It makes a teen feel like a grown-up. Teens are on the path of being adults. A healthy rebellion for good reasons can make teens think like adults and be responsible. • It bolsters self-confidence. Maybe a little rebellion is all teens need to come out of their bubble and be more self-assured and confident. Healthy teen rebellion is surely a desirable scenario. However, it is the negative teenage rebellion, which parents need to learn how to deal with. (Rohit Garoo,, 6 February 2019) 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv