Prime Time 7/8, Writing, Arbeitsheft

29 6.5 Guided writing Speculating about communities without a public library Read the following paragraph and add at least two more sentences which describe what life would be like without public libraries. 4  Libraries are expensive to maintain. They have to be staffed and require a lot of real estate to house all those books. Since they are not seen as crucial, they are often the first to fall to the axe of budget cuts. People often say that, now that there is technology to do research and read books online, libraries are no longer needed. Yet libraries have always served as a community resource and an equaliser. People with limited means may not be able to afford a computer with internet access. Libraries not only give them this, but also have people trained to teach them how to use them. 5 10 ( ; abridged) Suggestions: Before you start writing, ask yourself these questions. •• What would happen to underprivileged people (e.g. people without internet access, children from underprivileged families, people who cannot use computers)? •• Would anything change at all? Would people notice? •• What could/would be done with the money that goes into libraries at the moment? •• What could be the long-term effects on a community without a public library? Without libraries 6.6 Writing prompt Blog comment: Library move The local council debates whether the old library in your neighbourhood should be closed or renovated. In the blog of your local paper you could read the headline below. You regard this matter as very important and so you have decided to join the debate by writing a comment on this issue. 5  News  Opinion  Sport  Culture  Lifestyle   More  The Hastings Herald Council considers library closure In your blog comment you should: • discuss the repercussions of a possible closure • explain why reading is important • suggest measures to improve the current situation Write around 250 words . Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv