Prime Time 7/8, Writing, Arbeitsheft
2 12 Fashion and trends Twenty-four adjectives to describe how a person looks a) Study the list below and make sure you understand the meaning of each of the adjectives. Useful language: Adjectives for describing people amazing astonishing awesome breath-taking excellent extraordinary fantastic fine formidable gorgeous great impressive incredible magnificent perfect phenomenal remarkable smashing spectacular stunning superb terrific unbelievable wonderful b) Choose seven of these adjectives, look for one authentic sentence each from the internet and write it down. Adjective Sample sentence gorgeous Claire looks gorgeous in her new dress. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 2.4 Focus on form and structure Copulative verbs a) Copulative verbs are used together with adjectives or nouns . See how they are used. Useful language: Copulative verbs appear The model appeared very relaxed . go His hair has gone grey lately. be Charlie is a designer . grow Soon the little girl grew bored . become The little boy became restless . fall Tom fell ill right after the trip. come Her dreams came true . feel When he realised how successful he was, he felt excellent . come out The cake came out amazing . end up The owner ended up broke . look Her dress looked amazing . get Ben got really upset before the show. smell The cheese smelled awful . b) Underline/Highlight the copulative verbs in one colour and the adjectives in another colour. 1. This task proved difficult to do. 6. The people remained silent after the show. 2. The spectators seemed tired. 7. The cafe stayed open until midnight. 3. Tom turned pale. 8. In spite of the noise, we tried to keep calm. 4. The sandwich tasted old. 9. Clarissa’s cape is phenomenal. 5. At first his comment sounded impolite. 10. The buttons on the dress came loose. 3 4 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
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