Prime Time 5/6, Writing, Arbeitsheft
5 90 Key Bullying is completely unacceptable. You can actually help by standing up for the bullied, and by standing up for yourself. Do not let the bullies get you down. You are totally perfect just the way you are. Send in your comments to show how important this issue is. Reading: Why people blog g Page 36 b) 1. Express yourself and share your passions 2. Share your knowledge 3. Refine your writing skills 4. Become an authority in your field of expertise 5. Starting a blog is easy Write your own blog comment g Page 39 a) inspection-driven culture CCTV on the grounds and not in the classroom pupils feel uncomfortable pupils’ behaviour is monitored on the CCTV feed invade pupils’ privacy monitor every aspect of the pupils’ behaviour monitor teachers to see if they are doing their jobs correctly use CCTV for an entirely new purpose other than preventing crime Reading: Being a Scout leader g Page 40 b) 1. it’s no surprise that 2. It’s a shame that 3. Not only is 4. most importantly 5. springs to mind immediately 6. quickly became clear that 7. Most pleasingly 8. Go on, give it a go d) Maureen: b), Stephen: b), Nigel: d), Esther: e) e) Supporting: Nigel Opposing: Maureen, Stephen, Esther Working with words: Paraphrasing someone else’s view g Page 42 b) Maureen: 5, 6; Stephen: 1, 8; Nigel: 2, 4; Esther: 3, 7 Writing: Paraphrasing someone else’s view g Page 42 Beispielantwort 1. The writer’s biggest problem with the Scouts is their clothing. 2. The writer greatly respects Scout leaders, in particular those who work with young people professionally. 3. The writer was once a Scout herself and wanted to become a leader herself. Working with words: Referring to someone else’s ideas g Page 43 a) Agree I have come to the same conclusion, specifically … . I have no objection, particularly … . I share his/her view, especially … . Disagree I am afraid that is not quite true, in reality … . I don’t think that’s quite right, in fact … . I take a different view, in contrast … . On the contrary, … . Agree partly Admittedly … . Although this may be true … . It is true that … . Under certain circumstances … . Up to a point … . b) 1. I don’t think it’s quite right 2. Although it is true 3. I have come to the conclusion 4. I take a different view 5. On the contrary Finding a subheading g Page 46 Paragraph 1: changes in the last few decades, unified lifestyle Paragraph 2: European cities lose their charac teristics, shops, restaurants, etc., similar Paragraph 3: new places to visit, everywhere in Europe Paragraph 4: trend towards events Paragraph 5: modern tourists spend more money, communities like that Paragraph 6: look ahead get – become – grow – turn – go g Page 46 1. 16, I got a big cake for my birthday party. 2. older and older. 3. more and more popular. 4. so bored that I wanted to go home early. 5. a fitness trainer because I think it is fun. 6. a real disaster because of our guide. 7. white when he saw the huge dog. 8. brown and fall off. 9. older, they want to be with their friends more. 10. there, we realised that we were a day early. 11. sour. You shouldn’t have left it in the sun. 12. an Interrail ticket from my parents. 13. me a cup of tea from the kitchen. 14. older, he stopped behaving like a child. 15. into a blizzard … what a nightmare! 16. an engineer to repair the heating. 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 35 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
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