Prime Time 5/6, Writing, Arbeitsheft

9 b) Group the words and add a suitable heading. Step 2: Grouping Group 1: rooms Group 2: ground floor Group 3: roof 2.2 Note taking Note taking is best done in list form. Whatever comes to mind, write each word/phrase/idea on a separate line so that you can easily get a quick overview. In a second step you can sort your ideas and group them. When you have dealt with one item, tick it off or cross it out so that it is clear you cannot use it anywhere else. Sample topic: Food waste Step 1: List of ideas (not ordered) – bread – most wasted food item in the UK – rich country – not necessary – help people without food – large packs – no respect for food – supermarkets – best-before date – food thrown away – sharing – charity – money wasted – smaller families – single households – homeless people – buying more than you can eat Step 2: Sorting and grouping describing the situation – supermarkets – buying more than you can eat consequences – food thrown away – money wasted reasons – large packs – best-before date – smaller families – single households possible solution – help people without food – sharing – charity – homeless people evaluation – bread – most wasted food item in UK – rich country – not necessary – no respect for food Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv