Prime Time 5/6, Writing, Arbeitsheft

4 84 Assessment 4.4 Lexical and structural accuracy 4.4.1 Assessment criteria Key questions: Are your constructions correct? Did you use the vocabulary in the right way? Make sure your text … •• shows very good control of language structures. •• does not contain any slips or errors. •• is spelt correctly. •• does not contain any incorrect words. •• accurately uses linking devices. •• fulfils all expected standard punctuation rules. •• is written in a clear and concise way. 4.4.2 Proofreading Proofreading is one of the most important steps in writing a text. If you don’t do it or if you do it negligently, this could spoil your text and lead to bad results. Proofreading strategies Checking the content •• Did you use the right text type? •• Does your text deal with the topic? •• Does your text deal with all the bullet points? •• Check your plan and see if you have tackled everything. •• Are the points you want to make clear? Are they too complicated? Improving the linguistic quality •• Did you use the correct level of language (formal/informal)? •• Check for grammar errors. Remember your personal error/revision chart (see page 83). •• Check capitalisation (small/big letters). •• Use a dictionary to check difficult spellings. Add these spellings to your error/revision chart. •• Read your text again and watch out for repetitions. Wherever it makes sense to do so, choose different words or phrases. •• Is your text very simple? Do you always use the same words? If so, add adjectives and adverbs to make your text sound better. Checking the structure •• Check the logical build-up of your text. •• Check if each idea starts with a new paragraph. •• Check the structures of your text: Did you always use the same sentence structure? If so, change the structure by using subordinate clauses (relative clauses, time clauses, …). Checking layout and length •• Is the layout the correct one? •• Are any parts missing? •• Is your text long enough? How to go about it •• While writing, read the passage you have just written before you move on to the next paragraph. •• Consult your personal error/revision chart before you start proofreading. •• Only check for one error at a time. •• Read the text from the end to the beginning. Start with the last sentence and read only one sentence at a time. This helps you to focus on errors. Otherwise the content of your text might distract you. •• After you have corrected a passage, read through the whole paragraph again. Does it still sound right? Nur z Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv