Prime Time 5/6, Writing, Arbeitsheft

4 80 Assessment 4.3.5 Linking devices Linking words or phrases help you to build a logical line of argument in your text by linking one statement to another. A text without linking words reads like a series of unrelated statements. This makes it harder to read. Useful language: Linking words Putting ideas in a specific order also another at last finally first/firstly further/furthermore in addition in conclusion in the end last(ly) moreover next second/secondly third/thirdly to conclude to summarise Moving on to the next point after after this/that meanwhile next second subsequently then thereafter Working with words: Putting ideas in a specific order a) The guidelines below tell you how to talk a car dealer down on a car’s price. First, put the steps into the correct order. b) Read the whole text again and study the use of linking words. 74  Call the dealer Mention other options First things first Go low on your first offer Talk about what you don’t like Keep your poker face Walk away if you have to 1. First thing: At first , start out with a phone call in which you specify the car you’d like and ask them if they’re willing to sell it for a little lower than your price limit. 2. Second step: Next , if you appear at the store in person, make a strategically low offer first so that the highest amount you’re willing to pay is at the middle of your offer and the dealer’s price. 3. Thirdly: Furthermore , mention competing bids from other dealerships or online car sites to show that you are aware of other locations from which you could buy the car, and perhaps even save money doing so. 4. Fourth step: Next , focus on negotiating the purchase price before discussing issues like a trade-in vehicle, financing a loan through the dealership, or setting up a series of monthly payments. 5. Five: Also mention any dissatisfying problems with the car to show that you believe the problems you’ve noticed should result in a price reduction. 6. Step six: Moreover , don’t seem overly enthusiastic about the car because dealers may take your enthusiasm as a sign that they can charge more for the car. 7. Finally: In conclusion , stay strong on your offer and be willing to walk away if the dealer refuses to drop the price to an amount you’re willing to pay. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verla s öbv