Prime Time 5/6, Writing, Arbeitsheft

77 Working with words: Paraphrasing paragraphs a) Study the example below. b) While reading, highlight differences between the original and the paraphrase. Original Paraphrase It is common knowledge that exercise supports fighting obesity and cardiovascular diseases. The National Heart, Lung and Blood Association (NHLBA) now recommends exercise as a way to reduce stress, and proposes cardiovascular exercise that elevates the heart rate for 15 to 30 minutes – three to four times a week. The American Psychology Association has conducted numerous studies indicating the beneficial effects of exercise in dealing with stress. Exercise releases endorphins into the blood stream. Endorphins are “feel good” hormones and are the body’s natural pain-killers. They also generate the sensory perception of physical well-being, which in turn contributes to emotional and mental health. We all know that exercise is necessary to help us to lose weight and to fight off potentially deadly diseases. But there are two other extremely good reasons to get off the couch and get moving: exercise will make us feel good and can help us fight stress. This is because when we exercise, our bodies release “feel good” hormones called endorphins into our blood stream. As a result we feel better, both physically and emotionally. And, according to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Association, all we have to do to get this natural high is raise our heart rates for 15 to 30 minutes, three to four times a week. Writing: Paraphrasing paragraphs a) Study the text on the left. b) Then, fill the gaps in the paraphrase on the right. Use words from the box. 68  69  as soon as  •  educators  •  engage in  •  free-time activities   •  have no idea  • have started  •  perhaps  •  reason  •  starting point  •  teenagers  •  very interesting Original Paraphrase Pastime activities are often the reason why young people want to take up a certain job. The explanation is simple: Students usually do not know very much about jobs and cannot imagine what a certain job is like. So when they take up an interesting pastime activity, they often become fascinated and then want to do this for the rest of their lives. Parents and teachers should therefore encourage young people to start interesting activities in their spare time. Maybe this is the start to a new career for their children. 1   often help 2   to find jobs they like. The 3   is often that they 4   how fascinating a certain job can be. So 5   they 6   such an activity in their free time, they find it 7   and often decide to take it up as their profession. Parents and 8   should therefore support the young to 9   inspiring activities in their free time. 10  this might be the 11   of their children’s career. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv