Prime Time 5/6, Writing, Arbeitsheft

4 76 Assessment Writing: Paraphrasing sentences a) Match the words with their synonyms. 1. barely to bring about sth. 2. to separate from to be qualified for sth. 3. to cause sth. hardly 4. double figures scholarship 5. to be eligible for sth. to leave sb. 6. grant every third 7. income level to cut down sth. 8. one in three ten or greater 9. to slash sth. to affect sb./sth. 10. to touch sb./sth. income class b) Turn the words below into different word types as shown. Change into … 1. to arrive a noun 2. to appear to do sth. an adverb 3. cold a noun 4. consumer a verb 5. to date sb. a noun 6. freedom an adjective/a verb 7. to halve sth. a noun 8. to immigrate a noun 9. stranger an adjective 10. to threaten sb./sth. a noun 11. to select an adjective 12. variety a verb 13. harm an adjective 14. investigation a verb c) Use the words from a) and b) to paraphrase the sentences below. Keep in mind to change the word order too if needed. 1. Winter arrives early this year. Monday will stay cold in most parts of the country, with temperatures barely reaching double figures anywhere outside South Wales. 2. After she started dating strangers online, a 44-year-old woman from East Boldon left her husband, also 44, for a 30-year-old man who had immigrated from Nigeria. 3. House sellers appear to have launched their own “autumn sale”. More than one in three properties on the market had their original prices slashed. 4. The constant rise in temperature threatens our environment. Due to global warming, the Cordilleran Ice Sheet was halved in size in just 500 years at the end of the last ice age. 5. To consume unhealthy food concerns anyone. Obesity has touched people of all ages, all ethnicities and also all education and income levels. 6. As an EU student, she has not only the freedom to participate in any master’s study programme in Denmark; she is also eligible for a government grant. 67  Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv