Prime Time 5/6, Writing, Arbeitsheft

75 4.3.3 Paraphrasing vs. prompt lifting When you write a text, make sure you copy as little as possible from the prompt. You get fewer points if you just copy passages (= prompt lifting). This is why you have to practise paraphrasing. This means that you rewrite a passage in your own words. Paraphrasing not only helps you to avoid repetition and plagiarism (copying from sources without giving credit to the original author). It also gives you the opportunity to retain the style and language of the text. Sentences copied from somewhere into your text often sound unnatural and weird because the original writer has a different style from yours. When paraphrasing, you ought to keep the original meaning and to present it in a new form. Use synonyms or different constructions to rephrase a passage. Working with words: Paraphrasing sentences a) Study the examples below. Technique Sample paraphrase 1. Her life spanned years of incredible change for women. She lived through an era that changed women’s lives completely. 2. Giraffes like acacia leaves and hay. They can consume 75 pounds of food a day. A giraffe can eat up to 75 pounds of acacia leaves and hay every day. 3. Any trip to Italy should include a visit to Tuscany to sample their exquisite wines. Be sure to include a Tuscan wine-tasting experience when visiting Italy. 4. In ancient times the olive branch was used as a peace symbol, as well as the dove. Many centuries ago, peace was symbolised by an olive branch and/or a dove. 5. Ginger shuts down nerve receptors that trigger the vomiting reflex. The nerve receptors that cause the reflex for vomiting are blocked by ginger. 6. This product causes the break-down of excess body fat and will help people shed pounds. This product helps people lose weight by reducing extra fat in the body. b) Write down examples of the different techniques for paraphrasing from the sentences above. Technique What it means Example Synonym replacement To replace words with similar ones, so-called synonyms. Change of parts of speech To replace word types with other ones, e.g. a noun with a related verb. Change of structure To change the word order or turn a passive sentence into an active one. c) Complete the following sentences in your own words. 1. Security problems are not so important that we should be monitored all the time. Security cameras should not people all the time because of security issues. 2. Reducing sugar in food will reduce the likelihood of diabetes. If people eat  , the number of patients suffering from diabetes will go down. 3. Taking part in school trips helps pupils to get on better with their classmates. Pupils will find it easier to friends if they participate in school trips. 4. In my spare time I like cycling with my friends. Cycling with my friends is my favourite free-time  . 66  Nur zu Prüfzw cken – Eigentum des V rlags öbv