Prime Time 5/6, Writing, Arbeitsheft
4 70 Assessment Working with words: Grammatical and lexical linking devices a) Study the example and replace the underlined parts of the sentence with a suitable substitute. Choose from the box below. 61 he • her • it • it • that • that/which • their • the • then • there • they/these • this • this • this Example: Napoleon was a great soldier. He was also a great administrator. 1. John bought a new car. 1 cost a lot of money, but 2 is a lot better than his old one. 2. John and Mary are going on holiday to Brazil. 3 friends are very envious. 3. He decided to take some heavy shoes with him. He thought that 4 would be useful in case he went walking. 4. He left the following day. He knew 5 that he was not coming back. 5. We called on them soon after breakfast. We should have realised that 6 was a bad time for a visit. 6. I decided to take my books back to the library. When I got 7 , I found it was closed. 7. Some students work all night just before an exam. 8 is a great mistake. 8. 9 is what you should do. You should be very frank. 9. Stop making such a noise. I hate 10 . 10. First, I saw a man coming round the corner. Then 11 disappeared in the bank. 11. When I heard my grandmother talk on the phone, I did not recognise 12 voice, as it was really coarse. 12. The police officer showed me a picture of a car I did not know. However, this was 13 car 14 had been used in the robbery. b) The following devices link two sentences. Complete the gaps with suitable words from the box. arrests • beauty • chemicals • commuters • equally possible • former • latter • that • traditional narratives • you can do • your ideas 1. I bought a pocket calculator last year. 1 calculator has proved very useful. 2. Myths narrate sacred histories. These 2 are a set of beliefs that are a very real force in the lives of the people who tell them. 3. Seven people have been arrested so far. The 3 were made late last night. 4. These train services are not used very much by commuters. As a rule, 4 tend to travel much earlier. 5. John and Tom both took part in the play. Only the 5 had had any real experience of acting. The 6 had never even been on the stage before. 6. Vehicles, factories and air conditioners release harmful substances into the air. 7 like bromine and chlorine are particularly dangerous. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
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