Prime Time 5/6, Writing, Arbeitsheft

4 66 Assessment Give an overview An overview of key points 6   made in the text. This reminds readers of what was discussed and clearly 7   . It reinforces the main points discussed in the text. Give a quote Using a quote that is well known, or that is from a well-known person, can also be used to conclude a text. It helps a writer 8   . Quotations give a literary and authoritative tone to an essay. End with some statistics Using statistics in a conclusion leaves readers with an impressive fact that reinforces the points made in the essay. This 9   what you have said in your text. Working with words: Writing a conclusion Turn the keywords into concluding paragraphs. Use phrases from the table below. 1. only sensible way – solve this problem – teach young people – dangers of drug use – reduce the pressure of competition 2. population explosion – die of starvation in poor countries – life in the cities – increasingly difficult 3. nuclear technology – dangerous – never been used to create nuclear weapons – nuclear nations of the world – disarm as soon as possible 4. bikes – certainly – the better option – for solving – transport problems – in cities Useful language: Starting a conclusion All in all … . In general … . Overall … . To sum up … . All things considered … . In short … . To draw the conclusion … . To summarise … . On the whole … . In summary … . Taking everything into consideration/account … . In conclusion … . To conclude … . To conclude with … . As a result, it seems … . 4.2.4 Structure Your text should have a clear structure which can be seen in the layout. That is the reason why you should use paragraphs whenever you start a new section, a new idea, a new thought, etc. Very often a new paragraph starts with an introductory word or phrase. However, do not use such phrases all the time because this may make your text boring to read. How to structure a text •• Before you start planning, collect ideas, e.g. as a list, a mind map. •• Answer the questions: Who? What? Where? When? Why? How? It helps to answer these questions first and then plan the structure of your text. •• When planning a text, use graphic elements (like mind maps, tables, highlighting, colours …) to get a better overview of what you want to say. •• Make sure that the sections of your text follow logically one after the other. 56  Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv