Prime Time 5/6, Writing, Arbeitsheft

65 Useful language: Starting a text … is one of the most important issues. I wholeheartedly believe that this trend should be changed. In the following paragraphs I will support this view with arguments … . It is often said that … . Many/Some people claim/think/believe that … . The following paragraphs take a look at both sides of the issue/problem/argument. These days/Nowadays/In this day and age … . We live in an age when many of us are … . I personally believe that … . I oppose the view that … and my reasons will be explained in the following paragraphs. It goes without saying that … . It is universally accepted that … . People are divided in their opinion regarding … . In this respect the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages … . There is no denying that … . Whether to … or not to … is a controversial issue. When looking at … it seems that … . Working with words: Writing an introduction Turn the keywords below into introductory paragraphs. Use additional phrases from the table above. 1. mobile phones – internet – innovation – communication – useful for people – widely used – all the countries of the world – part of our daily lives – made our life easier 2. ambition – getting higher knowledge – attending colleges or universities – different reasons – achieve greater knowledge – earn a certificate – step towards career development 3. people in the past – concern far less – preparation of food – development of agriculture – scientific technol- ogy – great impact on our daily lives Reading: Concluding paragraphs a) Study the following techniques for concluding a text. b) While reading, complete the text with phrases from the box. 54  55  convinces the readers of  •  ends the discussion  •  make a point in a powerful way  • remember the text  •  statement of opinion or fact  •  summarises the main points  • to do something  •  to think about  •  various other aspects Call for action A call for action asks the reader 1   . Asking the reader to take an action engages him or her with the topic and leaves a strong impression. Raise a final question Asking readers a question at the end of your text shows that there may be 2  to consider. It leaves your readers with more 3   . You can conclude an essay with one significant question, or you can ask a few questions. Leave a strong impression Another way to conclude a text is to give a strong, clear 4   . The purpose is to leave the readers with a lasting impression, so that they 5   and the points made. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv