Prime Time 5/6, Writing, Arbeitsheft

1 6 Introduction What does this prompt mean? Read the following prompt and tick the correct answers in the table below. You have read the following post in a blog on how people use mobile phones. 1  by Nerdie John Use of mobile phones People should not use mobile phones all day. They are just distracting and make people nervous. We do not need to be online all the time. This is just a waste of time and money. When you look at young people on public transport, they all play around on their mobiles but do they speak to each other as well? Even young parents stare at their phones instead of talking to their children. You have decided to comment on this blog post. In your blog comment you should: • outline problems that were addressed • discuss the possible consequences • suggest alternative ways of using mobiles more responsibly Write around 200 words . 1. For what purpose should you write this text? a) to protest c) to summarise b) to explain d) to express your view 2. Which target group is addressed? a) young people c) everybody b) adults d) people with children 3. Which register is appropriate? a) formal c) matter of fact b) objective d) personal 4. Which issues should be addressed? a) the use of phones in general c) the use of mobile phones b) the way young people use mobile phones d) adult behaviour 5. Which text type do you have to write? a) a blog post c) a report b) an e-mail d) a blog comment 6. Where should your text be published? a) in a school magazine c) in a daily paper b) on the internet d) in a journal 7. How long should your text be? a) more than 220 words c) between 180 and 220 words b) 300 words d) more than 500 words Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv