Prime Time 5/6, Writing, Arbeitsheft

5 1.6 Dealing with the prompt What is the prompt? The prompts are the instructions that tell you what to do. In a prompt you will normally find a number of details which you have to consider when you write a text. •• Purpose: the reason why you write this text, e.g. to inform, to apply for a job •• Target group: the people who should/will read your text, e.g. the general public, your schoolmates, the manager of a company •• Register: the type of language (e.g. formal, informal) •• Issues to be addressed: aspects you need to discuss, e.g. your plans, suggestions to improve the situation •• Text type: the type of text you have to write, e.g. an article, an essay, a blog comment •• Setting: the publication/occasion for which your text is intended, e.g. school magazine, writing competition •• Prompting verbs: verbs in the task descriptions (= rubrics) which describe the communicative function and tell you what to do •• Recommended length: the number of words you should write (+/– 10%) Useful language: Prompting verbs Prompting verbs What you should do describe Describe what you can see, hear, smell, feel, taste … . tell Give information on the topic and tell people what to do. ask Ask a question about the topic, the problem, the person, … . Ask for help, advice … . report Give an overview of a problem, a situation, an issue … . Give facts, not opinions. illustrate Use examples, charts, graphs, etc. to explain the issue in detail. give examples Introduce examples to make your text livelier and more convincing. Explain why they are important. outline Give a brief description. explain Explain why things happen. Give information about cause and effect. discuss Write about a topic in detail and include various aspects. compare Set off two aspects, people, things, problems, etc. against each other. They may be different or they may be similar. contrast Present two aspects of a problem or a situation, etc., one being the opposite of the other. This contrast should help you to make your point. suggest Tell people what they can/could do to improve the situation. argue Present your opinion in a logical line of argument. give reasons Say why certain things happen in a certain way. Your points must be logical. comment Say what you think about a certain text, person, situation … . express one’s opinion Say what you think. Present your views. make clear Explain your position clearly so that the readers cannot misunderstand you. persuade Explain something in such a way that the other person is convinced. summarise Give an overview of the topic, your findings, your view, your conclusions … . Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv