Prime Time 5/6, Writing, Arbeitsheft

4 Introduction 1 1.1 Features of the book In this book you will find: •• explanations •• examples •• tasks related to the text formats •• exercises to improve language skills •• useful phrases •• word fields 1.2 Reading for writing Reading is a good way to prepare for writing. Before you start writing a text, read a similar text on the same topic. This will help you to get used to the vocabulary and the way in which such texts are written. In this book you will find a number of sample texts, which will also help you to write your own texts. In addition, you can easily find authentic texts on almost any topic on the internet. 1.3 How to work with texts The book contains a lot of sample texts, which you should study carefully so that you can write your own texts in the same way. •• Look at the sample texts and the layout carefully. •• Copy phrases and expressions from the sample texts. •• Only use the words and phrases you really understand. •• Take your time and read a passage again if you didn’t understand it fully at first try. •• Study the beginnings of paragraphs and use similar phrases in your own texts. •• Take a closer look at the first and last paragraph of the texts because they often take up the same ideas. •• Use a dictionary (online or offline) to look up the words and phrases you don’t understand. 1.4 Before you write •• Make a plan or at least a list of the aspects about which you would like to write. •• The prompt (see page 5) gives you a lot of information about the text you should write. •• Make a list of vocabulary items which are suitable for the topic. (see page 8, 2.1 Brainstorming) 1.5 Recommended length After each prompt you will find a recommended length (= number of words). •• Try to write as many words as recommended (+/– 10%) to get used to these text types. •• Do not waste too much time on counting the words. •• Count the first three or four lines and then multiply this number so that you have a vague idea how long your text is. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv