Prime Time 5/6, Writing, Arbeitsheft

27 Writing: E-Mail/Letter of application a) Pick one of the job adverts from task 13. b) Write an e-mail/a letter of application. Use the sample e-mail/letter on page 24 as a model. c) Share your text with a friend and give each other feedback. Writing: Curriculum vitae (CV) a) Read the example CV below. b) While reading, fill in suitable words from the box. 16  17  Curriculum vitae: Maria Lehner Personal details 1  : Maria Lehner Address: Bankgasse 1 1010 Wien 2  : +43 1 513 27 313 E-Mail: Nationality: Austrian 3  : 23/02/1995 4  2017 Bachelor of Arts (sports science and English), Vienna University 2014 5   with special focus on business, Vienna Business School 2009–2014 Vienna Business School 2005–2009 New secondary school, Koppstraße, 1160 Vienna 2001–2005 6   , Herbststraße, 1160 Vienna Work 7  2014–2017 lifeguard, all-inclusive resorts, Turkey 2011–present swimming 8   , swimming club, 1160 Vienna 2010 volunteer with kids’ swimming club, 1160 Vienna Personal profile I am an 9   and determined person. I have followed my career as a semi- professional swimming athlete with 10   and I completed various training courses to become a certified 11   . I am cheerful, enthusiastic and able to adapt quickly to changing situations. I 12   excellent communication skills. Teamwork is very important to me. My main hobbies are photography and athletics. 13   available if needed. A-levels  •  ambitious  •  date of birth  •  dedication  •  education  • experience  •  instructor  •  lifeguard  •  name  •  have  •  primary school  • references  •  telephone c) On the internet, read the tips of various hiring managers on writing the perfect CV. d) Write your own CV and stick to the layout and the good advice from your online research. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv