Prime Time 5/6, Writing, Arbeitsheft

3 16 Text types •• Ending: –– Write a closing sentence. –– End with a personal salutation. –– Sign with your first name. Style: •• polite •• usually informal Useful language: How to greet in informal e-mails and letters Salutation (at the beginning) Closing (at the end) Dear Clare, … Dear Martin, … Dear Mum, … Hi Sue, … g Yours, … Love, … See you soon, … CU, … How to write an informal e-mail/letter •• Underline/Highlight the main points of the prompt. –– What is the purpose of the text? –– Who are the people to whom you are writing? –– What is your relationship with these people? –– What are you supposed to write about? •• Formal requirements –– There are no specific formal requirements. –– Include the date. •• How to start –– Start with a personal salutation. –– Write a personal phrase or message at the beginning. –– Refer to the reasons why you are writing. •• Aspects to consider –– Organise the essential information in paragraphs in the main body. –– Show a genuine interest in the person to whom you are writing. –– Use informal/polite style. •• How to end an informal e-mail/letter –– Use a closing sentence to refer to the next stages. –– Send your regards to people close to the addressee. –– Match the closing line with the salutation at the beginning. –– Sign with your first name. Useful language: Informal e-mails/letters Starting the text Thanks for your last e-mail/letter. It is so good to hear from you. Reasons for writing I am writing because … . The reason why I am writing to you is … . Describing your feelings/experiences I would like to tell you about … . One week ago, … . I was so pleased to hear that … . What a great idea! Wow! That sounds great. Congratulations! At that moment I felt really sad … . I was really surprised … . I was shocked when … . I can imagine what your feelings are. Closing phrases I really look forward to hearing from/seeing you in September. Please give my love to your mother. Please write back soon. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv