way2go!, Maturatraining

61 The information and exercises below will focus on task achievement and interaction, which are common challenges when doing a paired activity. Working on and practising paired activities Task achievement In a paired activity, you will have to consider the situational context and content points that you need to discuss. The situational context addresses wh-questions: What will you have to discuss, why, and what is the expected outcome of your discussion? Dealing with situational contexts Answer these questions for each of the following tasks. 1 What is the setting of your task? 2 What is the topic/aspect of your discussion? What do you have to/will you talk about? 3 What is the aim of your discussion? What should you and your partner have decided at the end? 1 Setting: Topic + aspect: Aim: Sports An international organisation working with the IOC2 has invited you to give a presentation on aspects of sports young people might be interested in. You have 10 minutes to discuss with a partner which aspects of sports you might want to talk about. Discuss the suggestions below and agree on two. A Domestic environment/housing You and your partner are looking for suitable student accommodation in a mid-sized town in the UK. You have 10 minutes to discuss which of the features below are important for you when choosing an area to live in. Rank them according to their importance from 1 (most important) to 5 (least important). Setting: Topic + aspect: Aim: B 2 IOC: (abbr. for) International Olympic Committee Intercultural issues An international committee working with the Austrian government is discussing whether young Austrians should be encouraged to take a gap year in a developing country. You have been asked to give your opinion on this matter. You have 10 minutes to discuss your recommendations with a partner. Consider the possible opportunities and challenges below and make a clear recommendation. Setting: Topic + aspect: Aim: C Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv