way2go!, Maturatraining

56 TOPIC: LIFESTYLE Aspect: Tattoos Give a 5-minute talk on tattoos. In your talk you should: analyse the cartoon … … Ways to deal with the prompt Reflect on what the function word ‘analyse’ requires you to do here and start with a brief description of the cartoon. 1 What is the setting of the cartoon? 2 How many people are shown? What are they doing? 3 How does the cartoonist exaggerate in his portrayal of the people/situations? 4 What does the text say? How does it relate to the picture? Point out the main idea of the cartoon. 1 What (social/political/economic …) issue(s) does it address? 2 What makes the cartoon effective? 3 Who is the intended audience? What might their reaction be? 4 Is the cartoon successful in conveying the cartoonist’s message? 5 Is the cartoon ambiguous in any way? Would different people interpret it differently? Ways to start your talk Read the different ways to start your talk. One of them is less elegant. Decide which one. 1 The topic I would like to discuss is lifestyle, in particular, getting tattoos and having them removed. Let me briefly describe the cartoon at hand … 2 I would like to start my presentation by analysing a cartoon. It shows some young people who intend to get a tattoo and some older people who want to get rid of their tattoos for a much higher price. 3 Let me start my talk by giving a short analysis of a cartoon about tattoos. 4 I can see some people going into a tattoo studio. The studio on the left says “Tattoos for $50”, … 5 The cartoon depicts two tattoo parlours. In one parlour you can get a tattoo, in the other one you can have it removed. Speaking Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv