way2go!, Maturatraining

55 TOPIC: GROWING UP Aspect: Relationships between parents and their children Give a 5-minute talk on growing-up. “Children begin by loving their parents; as they grow older, they judge them; sometimes they forgive them.” (Oscar Wilde) In your talk you should: discuss the quote … … Ways to deal with the prompt Reflect on what the function word ‘discuss’ requires you to do here and start with an interpretation of the quote. 1 What do the words ‘love’, ‘judge’, ‘forgive’ mean? Can you use your own words to explain the quote? Example: Young children usually adore/admire (‘love’) their parents. When they turn into teenagers, they become more critical of their parents (‘judge’). They start to compare them to their classmates’ parents. When they become parents themselves, they might realise that their mother or father did the right thing in a certain situation (‘forgive’). 2 Can you give a practical example? E.g.: Some parents expect their children to excel at school because they did well themselves. Other parents are happy if their children just pass the year … 3 Is the quote still relevant for young people today? Give your personal opinion on it. 1 What do you like/dislike about the quote? 2 Why do you/don’t you consider it to be interesting? 3 How do you feel about the words ‘judge’ and ‘forgive’ in connection with parents? Ways to start your talk Read the different ways to start your talk. One of them is less elegant. Decide which one it is. 1 The topic I will present is ‘growing up’. I would like to start with a quote by Oscar Wilde (perhaps read out the quote). Let me draw your attention to the words ‘love’, … 2 I’m starting my presentation on ‘relationships between parents and their children’ with a quote by Oscar Wilde (perhaps read out the quote). To put it in my own words, it means that … 3 Oscar Wilde was famous for his quotes. The one I want to talk about refers to ‘the relationship between parents and their children’. 4 My topic is about a quote by Oscar Wilde. It says, (read out the quote) … 5 “Children begin by loving their parents.” This is how Oscar Wilde starts his quote on ‘growing up’. He continues with “as they grow older, …” Note: Many quotes are anonymous, but some can be attributed to a certain author. If you happen to know anything about the author or the author’s time, you could (but you don’t have to) draw on this knowledge and briefly refer to it. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv