way2go!, Maturatraining

40 Brainstorm ideas and cluster them, take notes or draw mindmaps. For example: 3 importance for young people’s future? find out whether they like a certain job personal development gain work experience future job become more mature teamwork with adults Read the writing task on summer jobs again, then go through the titles below. Most of them are catchy, bold or provocative. Identify the ones that are not ideal.2 4 Read the different introductions for the article and decide which of them are well written. The questions below will help you with your decision. 5 1 Ready to work? 2 Summer jobs – summer flops 3 Go and get the job! 4 The advantages of taking on a summer job 5 It’s not just about the cash 6 A summer job – an opportunity not to be missed 7 Why young people should have a summer job 1 Is the reader addressed? 2 Is the language used lively and expressive? 3 Can you find examples of repetition that are used on purpose to attract the reader’s attention? 2 See p. 36 for more work on titles for articles. a Many teenagers spend their summer break working because, as most people know, if they don’t work in the summer, they will probably be broke for the rest of the year. Yet, there are many other reasons – apart from the money – for working during your summer holidays. b Have you ever wondered why you should work during your summer holidays? Have you ever asked yourself why on earth you should spend your well-deserved free time in an office instead of relaxing on a beach? Well, summer jobs are actually more beneficial than you might think. c Every teenager knows them. Every teenager hates them. Right, I’m talking about summer jobs. Of course, they are not everyone’s favourite way of spending the summer holidays. But wouldn’t you agree that with some work experience, your future could look much brighter? e More and more young people decide to spend their summer holidays, at least partially, earning their own money and improving their skills with a summer job. The following article is going to outline why young people should definitely take this opportunity and find a job that suits them. d Admit it! You sometimes get bored during your endless summer holidays. This is the perfect solution: Look for a job, earn some money and profit from the experiences you will have. Writing Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv