way2go!, Maturatraining

33 There is a wide variety of structures that can convey the same meaning. Read the five options and cross out the one which is wrong. 1 a Another aspect worth considering when talking about … b Another aspect that should be considered when talking about … c Another aspect one ought to consider when talking about … d Another aspect considering when talking about … e Another aspect to consider when talking about … 2 a Young people are not the only ones who profit from such summer jobs. b Young people are not the only ones to profit from such summer jobs. c Young people are not the only ones to be profited from such summer jobs. d Young people are not the only ones profiting from such summer jobs. e Young people are not the only ones who will profit from such summer jobs. 3 a Local shops which offer such a service clearly benefit from this situation. b Local shops offering such a service clearly benefit from this situation. c If local shops offer such a service, they will clearly benefit from this situation. d Local shops capable of offering such a service will clearly benefit from this situation. e Local shops able to offering such a service clearly benefit from this situation. 4 a When I realised that your company provides such a bad service, I was deeply disappointed. b On realising that your company provides such a bad service, I was deeply disappointed. c When I realised that such a bad service is provided by your company, I was deeply disappointed. d When your company had been realised to provide only such a bad service, I was deeply disappointed. e I was deeply disappointed when I realised that your company provides such a bad service. 5 a Roughly a fifth of the interviewees claimed that they never watched films showing such scenes. b Roughly a fifth of the interviewees claimed never to watch films showing such scenes. c Roughly a fifth of the interviewees claimed that they never watched films to show such scenes. d Roughly a fifth of the people who were interviewed claimed that they never watched films showing such scenes. e Roughly a fifth of the interviewees claimed that they never watched films that showed such scenes. Put the chunks into the correct order to create meaningful sentences. 8 9 1 that give us energy / can be found in meat and fish / and keep us healthy / a high number of proteins 2 caused by cars / the main reason is / by the amount of pollution / that our environment is seriously endangered 3 a large majority stated / about the future / of the 400 students younger than 20 / they were basically optimistic 4 if you could inform us / it would be really helpful / on things like public transport / about special discounts 5 stress is on the rise in our modern world / on people for various reasons / it is generally believed that / as more and more demands are made 6 as I gained valuable insight / when providing activities for small children / into challenges that arise / this has been a great experience Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv