way2go!, Maturatraining

31 Use adverbs of degree to sound more natural. Match the expressions from the box to their German equivalents. a bit (infml.) a little absolutely completely deeply extremely fairly pretty (infml.) quite rather really slightly somewhat totally (infml.) utterly 1 ein bisschen 2 ziemlich 3 sehr Use sentence adverbs to emphasise your opinion when appropriate. Find the most fitting alternative for the sentence adverbs below. Sometimes there is more than one correct answer. Clearly Evidently Fortunately Funnily Honestly Sadly Surprisingly 1 Unfortunately/ , some of your promises were not fulfilled. 2 Luckily/ , nobody realised what I had been doing. 3 Frankly/ , I wouldn’t dare to question this. 4 Obviously/ , a solution has to be found. 5 Strangely/ , not a single listener applauded. 6 Apparently/ , they are planning a new power plant. 7 Unexpectedly/ , the weather changed again. Study the sentence adverbs in the box and decide which ones can be used to start the sentences. a Actually b Admittedly c Basically d Hopefully e Ideally f Surprisingly g Undoubtedly 1 a, b, f , our neighbour didn’t seem to mind the noise. 2 , I’ll be able to join you there. 3 , you should have informed us about your change of plans much earlier. 4 , none of the candidates chose topic 3. 5 , the consequences of this step had not been considered. 6 , most people say they would prefer to live in the city. 7 , I haven’t tried to improve my performance. 3 4 5 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum es Verlags öbv