way2go!, Maturatraining

27 Open gap-fill Read the text about how a couple got to know each other. Some words are missing. Complete the text by writing one word for each gap (1–15) in the spaces provided. The first one (0) has been done for you. 3 Biscuits This is the story of how I met Anne. It sounds like the kind of boy-meets-girl story you’d be more (0) to come across in a film than in real life, but it’s true. It all started with Gem. Gem is my retriever, and it was (1) to his love of biscuits that I made Anne’s acquaintance. My mother, (2) main aim in life is to spoil Gem whenever she can, always shares her biscuit with him. Annoyingly, she does it in (3) of my protests that it’s bad for him. Anyway, this means that Gem associates the female gender with delicious things to eat. So, one day, I was playing with Gem in the park when a girl came along, sat down on a bench and (4) out her packed lunch. She obviously wanted to take (5) of the fine, sunny weather in her lunch break. Everything went well (6) a while: the girl ate her sandwiches and Gem chased his ball. And then the girl unwrapped a biscuit. In an instant, Gem was racing in the (7) of the bench, barking joyfully, certain of a treat. But (8) of breaking off a bit of biscuit for him, she shrieked, jumped up and treated him in a very unfriendly way. Running over to pull Gem away, I was (9) very abruptly that I was not fit to keep a dog if I (10) it to attack people. Well, how could she know that Gem wouldn’t hurt a fly? I must admit, however, that he can get a bit over-excited when it (11) to a biscuit. I apologised and eventually the girl calmed down and we got chatting. (12) the time she had to go back to work, Gem had been forgiven for his bad (13) and we were all friends. The girl was Anne, of course, and we’ve been together (14) two years now. Between you and me, I think Anne is now the one that sometimes feeds Gem biscuits, (15) she always denies it. But I suppose he has deserved a treat for bringing us together. 0 likely 8 1 9 2 10 3 11 4 12 5 13 6 14 7 15 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv