way2go! 7. Practice Pack, Arbeitsheft

62 UNIT 10 | Iceberg and outback Read the tips about adjusting to a new culture and decide which heading (1–3) goes with which topic sentence (A–C) and which supporting details (D–I). READING 6 Heading 1 2 3 Topic sentence Detail 1 Detail 2 Heading Topic sentence Supporting detail 1 Supporting detail 2 1 Know what to expect A Planning to stay in touch does not require an agreement to write or call according to a strict schedule, but it does help to establish a realistic interval between communications. D People may walk and talk more quickly, traffic patterns may be confusing, and buildings may look different than expected. Such differences are easy to see and quickly learned. G Don’t fall into the trap of immediately judging everything based on what you are accustomed to. Try to experience everything new with an open mind. 2 Keep in contact with home B There will definitely be some surprises in store when you arrive in a new place. E Attempt to learn as much as possible about housing arrangements, the classes you will attend and necessary administrative procedures. H Therefore, it is essential that long periods between communications do not alarm your family and friends at home. 3 Expect differences C Anticipating future events and possibilities makes it easier to deal with them when they happen. F You will be extremely busy getting settled and learning about your new environment. I This is sure to reduce the stress you will be under during the first few weeks and enable you to enjoy your time abroad from the beginning. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum d s Verlags öbv