way2go! 7. Practice Pack, Arbeitsheft

61 Expand your vocabulary: Aspects of culture Match the parts of the phrases below. LANGUAGE 4 a 1 attitude towards 2 role of 3 greeting 4 class 5 concept of 6 non-verbal a etiquette b beauty c consciousness d elders e animals f communication Which of the aspects of culture above do the following examples refer to? Read the sentences and add the aspects. 1 Shaking your head means you disapprove of something. non-verbal communication 2 Cows provide excellent meat for most people in Western countries. In India, however, they are considered to be ‘sacred’ animals. 3 In most societies, people show respect towards older people. 4 Some people think that women are only attractive if they are really skinny, whereas other people believe that women should have wide hips for childbearing. 5 In some countries, your family background matters a lot. For instance, it is important whether your parents are aristocrats or very wealthy. 6 Hugging and kissing when meeting friends is accepted by many people. Other people are more reserved, and they are more comfortable just shaking hands. Boost your vocabulary with ‘Worlds apart’ Find the correct expressions in the article ‘Worlds apart’ (see coursebook, p. 158) to match to the definitions below. The definitions are in the order the expressions occur in the text. 1 to change (something) to be more suitable for a new condition 2 someone who goes on living, despite nearly dying 3 really, actually 4 the state of being difficult to understand 5 to defend and protect something 6 extreme, strong 7 to experience something bad 8 the act of trying to do something difficult 9 happening slowly over a longer time 10 the things you own 11 someone supporting an activity by giving money 12 never stopping or ending b LANGUAGE 5 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv