way2go! 7. Practice Pack, Arbeitsheft

57 Expand your vocabulary: Online advertising Find the expressions matching the definitions. 1 making consumers share a company’s advertisements online: v m 2 a piece of paper advertising something: f 3 a small book with information about goods or services: b 4 a person promoting products or services on social media: i 5 an advertisement written in the style of a journalistic article: a 6 opinions and other data collected by asking people questions: s 7 a box, bar or column advertisement shown on a webpage: b 8 a set of mathematical rules a computer uses to solve a problem: a LANGUAGE 7 Watch the video about predictive advertising again (see coursebook, p. 145) and put the information in the order in which it comes up. a Our lifestyles are changing because of the vast amounts of data. b A machine that could help with decisions sped the process up. c Mike Baker saw new possibilities to advertise directly to people. d For users it’s impossible to avoid advertising altogether. e The idea was to speak to people’s interests before they were aware of them. f There are about 2.5 gigabytes of new data created daily. g Finding out how to work through the mountains of data was the first step. h The computers work faster than the blink of an eye. LISTENING + VIEWING 8 BBC 08 8z8g2z Look at the writing task on page 146 of your coursebook again. Which of the ideas below works best as a subject for the report? Think of reasons why the others aren’t as suitable. WRITING 9 a Who would have predicted that? b Preferred advertising projects in 7a/b c Your request d Why we should study print advertising e It’s all about the ads Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv