way2go! 7. Practice Pack, Arbeitsheft

56 UNIT 09 | Someone’s watching Read the text about press freedom. Some words are missing. Choose the correct word (A–O) for each gap (1–12). There are two extra words that you should not use. Write your answers in the boxes provided. The first one (0) has been done for you. LANGUAGE IN USE 6 Why freedom of the press is more important now than ever An independent press is one of the essential pillars of a democracy, and we need to (0) journalists and whistleblowers alike to protect it, says lawyer and free press advocate Trevor Timm. The First Amendment of the US Constitution protects free speech and a free press in America; without it, the country would look completely different. Americans take great pride in their press freedom. But the truth is, it’s under (1) , not just by politicians branding credible news outlets as ‘fake news’ and threatening journalists and leakers with lawsuits. Journalists are also increasingly being stopped and searched at US borders, and they’ve recently been (2) for covering protests at Standing Rock. The accusation of ‘fake news’ is more than an insult – it blocks the press in its efforts to (3) the public. Thomas Jefferson famously said that he’d rather have newspapers without a country than a country without newspapers, and for good reason. An independent press (4) that citizens stay informed about the actions of their government, creating a forum for debate and the open exchange of ideas. But if people don’t believe the mainstream media can be trusted, then they won’t believe journalists if they (5) evidence of corruption or illegal activity by the government. That’s the troubling situation we could find ourselves in if ‘fake news’ becomes synonymous with reporting that the government doesn’t (6) with. While Timm and other media observers sensed that free press violations have been increasing over the past decade, no one was actually keeping a record. Now for the first time, the US Press Freedom Tracker will comprehensively (7) and document press freedom violations in America, including reporter arrests, border stops and court orders for surveillance. “We want to (8) awareness about how it’s not just journalists who are affected by the erosion of press freedom rights,” Timm says, “it’s really the public that ultimately (9) .” Despite mounting challenges, journalists must continue to keep the public (10) . “The press should always be antagonistic and aggressive and not give in to any administration, no matter what party they’re part of,” Timm says. He adds that Americans should (11) “incredibly lucky” to have the First Amendment enshrined in the nation’s Constitution – “hardly any other countries in the world have such a clause.” Now it’s up to all of us to continue to (12) this freedom and demand that it remains protected. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 O A agree D attack G feel J protect M steal B appreciate E count H important K publish N suffers C arrested F ensures I informed L raise O support Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv