way2go! 7. Practice Pack, Arbeitsheft

48 UNIT 08 | Culture vulture Expand your vocabulary: Using prefixes to make antonyms Complete the sentences below using the correct form of the words in the box. accept approve decent fortunate happy health like loyal moral please possible proper 1 The lack of proper toilets in the Globe Theatre meant the environment was extremely for the visitors, who sometimes became ill. 2 , Christopher Marlowe, Shakespeare’s contemporary, was killed in a pub fight aged only 29 when he was stabbed in the eye. 3 We live next to a farm and the smell is often , especially in the summer months. 4 In some countries it is considered to blow your nose in public. 5 Your homework is a whole week late. This is totally ! 6 Her parents of her new boyfriend. He sleeps for half the day and never helps out. 7 You can’t wear that tiny skirt to school! It’s not just short, it’s . 8 Yuk! I really mushrooms, so please don’t put any on my pizza. 9 If you were considered to the monarch during Shakespeare’s time, you could end up being executed. 10 He’s so about his exam results. He failed even though he studied hard for weeks beforehand. 11 The Globe Theatre was banned from London as theatres and actors were considered , especially by the Church. 12 It’s for me to get up early in the mornings as I stay up really late each night. LANGUAGE 3 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv