way2go! 7. Practice Pack, Arbeitsheft

44 UNIT 07 | You be the judge Read the text about the Occupy Wall Street protest movement. Some words are missing. Change the word in brackets to form the missing word for each gap (1–11). Write your answers in the spaces provided. The first one (0) has been done for you. LANGUAGE IN USE 6 Occupy Wall Street The purpose of civil (0) (obey) is not simply to break the law; the purpose is to break the law in pursuit of a social goal. For this reason, Occupy Wall Street began on September 17, 2011, as an organised protest in New York City’s financial district. This protest was started by a group of (1) (satisfy) activists who wanted to make a stand against corporate greed, social (2) (equal) and the enormous gap between the rich and poor. “We are the 99%”, the Occupy Wall Street protest slogan, referred to the difference between the richest 1% and the rest of the population in the United States, which the protesters found (3) (moral) . The movement quickly spread to other cities across the US, including Los Angeles and San Francisco. The organisers had the idea of protestors camping out in a park, which sounds innocent enough, but is in fact (4) (possible) to do legally in New York. They also had an iconic poster to define the movement which showed a ballerina dancing on the back of a bull near Wall Street. The movement started with a few hundred people (5) (legal) sleeping overnight in Zuccotti Park, living on supplies and a steady stream of money donated from individuals and businesses throughout the US. Occupy Wall Street continued to grow in the next few months. On October 1, in (6) (worry) scenes, more than 700 arrests were made as activists marched across the Brooklyn Bridge. Officials in other cities started to disband Occupy Wall Street camps citing public (7) (safe) and health concerns. A judge ruled that New York City had the right to enforce the rule against camping in the park. The mayor defended clearing the park by saying that he was concerned about health and safety conditions as the park had become (8) (hygiene) . The protesters were (9) (able) to tell what the long-term effects of the movement would be, but they had clearly sent a (10) (power) message and succeeded in raising awareness of social and economic problems. Even though the largest camps had been closed down by December 2011, Occupy Wall Street protestors still continued online, sending out encouraging and (11) (hope) messages like “You can’t evict an idea”. 0 disobedience 6 1 7 2 8 3 9 4 10 5 11 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv