way2go! 7. Practice Pack, Arbeitsheft

38 UNIT 06 | The choice is yours Read the essay on onscreen violence below and put the parts (A–F) into the correct order. There is a thesis statement, two body paragraphs, each one with a topic sentence, and a conclusion. Decide which of the bullet points best matches the arguments in the body. READING 6 a b Your English class is discussing onscreen violence. Your English teacher wants to know whether you think that onscreen violence has a negative impact on young people. He/She has asked you to give your opinion in an essay. In your essay you should discuss: Bp 1 a why onscreen violence could turn young people into violent adults b young people’s attitude towards watching onscreen violence c the influence of onscreen violence on young people’s behaviour Bp 2 a the importance of parents in a young person’s life b why or why not young people should be exposed to some violence c ways to protect young people from violence around the world Onscreen violence does not harm teenagers’ mental health A Every experience a young person makes, whether negative or positive, has an impact on their mind, but this does not necessarily mean that they will base their own behaviour on what they see onscreen. B There are still many countries suffering from war and injustice, where violence is a part of everyday life. Whilst teenagers should not be exposed to graphic or mindless violence, they should be made aware that many people, some of them their age, are exposed to the horrors of violence on a daily basis. Therefore, protecting teenagers from any form of violence or unpleasantness might result in them developing an unbalanced perspective on the world. C Onscreen violence may have an impact on young people, but they are unlikely to copy in real life the behaviour they see as they are more than capable of distinguishing real events from fictional ones. In addition, there are many other outside influences which may affect a young person’s behaviour. Lastly, we should not shield teenagers from the realities of life as they should gain a balanced view of the world in which they are growing up. D Nowadays, young people have almost unlimited access to films and series through online platforms and streaming services. While everything a child or teenager sees and experiences in the course of their life certainly influences them, young people are unlikely to copy the violence they see and, besides this, they should be exposed to the harsh realities of life. E Violence can be found in many different films and series, but it is also a part of real life, and young people need to be aware of this in order to grow up with a balanced view of the world. F Watching a violent robbery in a film, for example, does not turn youngsters into bank robbers. Although it is true that what they view can influence the development of their value system and shape their behaviour to some extent, young people are generally capable of separating fiction from reality. Furthermore, one should not shift the focus from other potential sources of violence, such as the behaviour of role models, drugs, domestic violence, abuse, etc. Thus, watching violence onscreen certainly does not lead to young people copying violent behaviour. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des V rlags öbv