way2go! 7. Practice Pack, Arbeitsheft

34 UNIT 06 | The choice is yours Unit 06 The choice is yours You are going to listen to another part of the FM4 interview with Ciara Farrell, the librarian of the Kennel Club Library. First you will have 45 seconds to study the task below, then you will hear the recording twice. While listening, choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for each question (1–7). Put a cross ( ) in the correct box. The first one (0) has been done for you. After the second listening, you will have 45 seconds to check your answers. LISTENING 1 30 y7f747 Ancient veterinary books 0 A number of books in the library A were written in the Middle Ages. B deal with proper dog care. C are impossible to replace. D are kept in special containers. 1 The librarian presents a book A on how to feed dogs. B without a cover. C dealing with chemistry. D more than 300 years old. 2 If a dog has worms, the books suggests A letting something bite the dog. B preparing a medicine using sulfur. C waiting for the worms to pass. D giving the dog only milk to drink. 3 A strange treatment the book offers A involves spitting into the dog’s eyes. B doesn’t really help the dog. C is meant to cure bites. D keeps dogs away from the house. 4 The book shows that A a dog’s health was seen as essential. B dogs had to work hard. C most diseases could be treated. D dogs suffered from many illnesses. 5 Dogs had to be cared for because they A couldn’t help themselves. B did essential work for their owners. C were expensive to get. D would be killed otherwise. 6 The ‘madnesses’ the book describes A could easily be cured now. B cannot be prevented. C aren’t considered illnesses today. D correspond to two modern diseases. 7 The lack of a suggested cure for ‘madness’ A implies that the other cures work. B suggests the copy is incomplete. C means the book wasn’t helpful. D shows treatment wasn’t necessary. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv