way2go! 7. Practice Pack, Arbeitsheft

31 0 The officials are looking for children who A go out late to meet friends. B study too hard. C have left home at an early age. D don’t obey their parents. 1 Authorities have said children should not A be late for school in the mornings. B pay above a certain price for classes. C be at hagwons past a certain time. D take lessons in the private schools. 2 Cha Byoung-chul blames the problem on A the pupils, who shouldn’t be there. B the hagwons, which are open too late. C the parents, who pay for hagwon schools. D pupils who try to hide from him. 3 To catch the illegal hagwons, the late-night patrol team A sets out early. B follows parents in their cars. C waits until it’s past the 10 o’clock curfew. D drives through the streets. 4 Once in the building, the team knows they’ve found an illegal hagwon when A the door isn’t opened right away. B no one answers the door. C they hear children’s voices. D they see people through the curtains. 5 The most successful private teachers in South Korea A are also normal schoolteachers. B earn enormous amounts of money. C only teach online. D are often arrested by the police. 6 Of the students who go to hagwons for a year to improve their grades, A nearly all make it to university. B about half manage to get into university. C hardly any get into university. D about two thirds make it to university. 7 Cha and his team’s work on the problem of hagwons A makes a huge difference. B is famous throughout South Korea. C goes on all through the night. D is barely making a difference. Topic vocabulary: Brain work Study the expressions in exercise 32a (coursebook, p. 82) again. Use them to complete the sentences. 1 Some tests only require students to r i and don’t require thinking. 2 While it’s important to a k , you also need to learn what to do with it. 3 You need to be able to distinguish between f and o . 4 To s a difficult p , you might need to i the matter rigorously. 5 People sometimes come to c about something without really u the issue. 6 It’s better to c all a and i before forming your own b . LANGUAGE 5 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv