way2go! 7. Practice Pack, Arbeitsheft

28 Unit 05 Live and learn Collocations: Critical thinking skills Go back to your coursebook, p. 72 and read the text in exercise 7b again. Then complete the expressions below with the nouns from the box. authority beliefs difference facts inconsistencies learner links opinion point possibilities problems recipient relevance value LANGUAGE 1 The suffixes -nce and -nt Can you complete the sentences correctly even if you don’t know what the given word means? Give it a try, then check with the key (online). 1 Getting a good education is mostly a matter of hard work and . (persevere) 2 My mum can be really if she wants something. She never gives up! (persist) 3 Some people are proud of their of maths, but I think that’s sad. (ignore) 4 It can be hard to spot lies if they are told with enough . (assure) 5 My tutor at school is very , but she can’t stand rudeness. (tolerate) Use the sentences to guess the meaning of the words in brackets. Then complete the word family table. Noun Verb Adjective German verb ignorieren — beteuern, versichern durchhalten zulassen, dulden beharren LANGUAGE 2 a b UNIT 05 | Live and learn 1 challenging fixed 2 undermine parental 3 disguised as fact 4 spot the 5 that’s just the 6 understand the between ideas 7 knowing unconnected 8 recognise the of arguments 9 identify and errors 10 approach in a consistent way 11 considering different 12 being an active 13 just a passive 14 accepting ideas at face Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv