way2go! 7. Practice Pack, Arbeitsheft

20 UNIT 03 | Coming home Read the texts about living arrangements again (coursebook, pp. 44/45). Choose the correct texts (1–4 or A–C) for each question. You can use a text more than once. This person … 1 … would prefer if their future flatmates did a few household chores. 2 … is/has been generally pleased with their lifestyle. 3 … knows what it’s like to have insects in the home. 4 … finds sharing a kitchen with strangers acceptable. , , , 5 … prefers living by themselves. , 6 … doesn’t want to change their living situation. 7 … just wants enough space to work and store their study materials. Expand your vocabulary: Phrasal verbs Complete the sentences by choosing the correct prepositions to make phrasal verbs. 1 We’re having a party on Saturday at our flat. Would you like to come up / by / in? 2 Sarah didn’t get a room in student accommodation, so she might not move out / in / away of her parents’ house after all. 3 The girls didn’t have a real estate agent to show them over / to / around the neighbourhood, so they couldn’t find the next bus stop. 4 Carl isn’t a morning person. He likes sleeping on / in / over and needs coffee to get up / off / at for his lectures. 5 What are you doing tomorrow? We could hang up / over / out in the park in the afternoon. 6 It can be quite hard to move away / out / to from your hometown and go to a new city. Expand your vocabulary: Living arrangements Which expression is the odd one out? Cross it out and write down why it doesn’t fit. 1 do the dishes – vacuum the rooms – take out the bin – pay the bills 2 make ends meet – have home insurance – be well off financially – get an allowance 3 landlady – resident – cockroach – plumber 4 homesick – costly – furnished – comfortable 5 en-suite bathroom – communal kitchen – hall of residence – common room READING 7 LANGUAGE 8 LANGUAGE 9 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv