way2go! 7. Practice Pack, Arbeitsheft

19 0 attraction 7 1 8 2 9 3 10 4 11 5 12 6 13 Write a summary of the article above in about five sentences. This is how you could apply the strategies from the coursebook to this text: 1 The title gives you the topic for the text: The author is worried about … 2 The last sentences give you the main conclusion: Small towns are important, so … 3 You can find the main points in the first sentence of paragraphs two and four: Small towns have problems because many young people … In future, they face even greater difficulties because … 4 Don’t include the specific examples given in the text (from paragraphs one, three and five). 5 Don’t add any personal interpretation or comments. Expand your vocabulary: Living arrangements Unscramble the expressions in the box. They’re from the texts on pp. 44/45 of your coursebook. Student accommodation Flat sharing Living alone Living with parents no pacmus cmuoalmn kehictn kroacchesoc lahl of deersince maltefats nret owl gubdte ecrohs iulitty libls sunrinace ltfo saopusci pindeepcende dallynad heekesouper dshiwasehr nolg cumotme fsuhrenid siderential aera plbiuc stnraprto Use some of the expressions above to complete the gaps in the text below. Having a flat to yourself is the best choice if you want to maintain your (1) , but this also means you’ll have plenty of (2) to do around the place. You’ll need to empty the (3) on a regular basis and pay the (4) and (5) each month. Staying with your family, on the other hand, means you’ll save money, but you will probably have a (6) to get to work or uni. Perhaps the best of both worlds is sharing a flat with (7) . You can cook together in the (8) and enjoy each other’s company. WRITING 5 LANGUAGE 6 a b Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv