way2go! 7. Practice Pack, Arbeitsheft

17 1 The new noun is a person. 2 The new noun is an idea. 3 The new adjective means “something has this effect on others”. 4 The new adjective means “something is like that”. Expand your vocabulary: Suffixes Add the suffixes from the box below to the correct words. Watch out for changes in spelling. -able -al -ed -er -ful -ing -ion -ity -ive less -ment -ness -y LANGUAGE 2 a noun adjective environment – care – peace – sun – verb adjective suit – suit able -able include – includ ed -ed trade – trad ing -ing attract – attract ive -ive adjective noun minor – polite – verb noun work – create – argue – Which suffix is it? b -ed -er -ing -ion Complete the table of word families. Noun (concept/idea) Noun (thing/person) Verb Adjective — arrange harm — acting — succeed — appreciate connection 3 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv