way2go! 6. Practice Pack, Arbeitsheft

9 Remember what to observe when writing an email or a blog. Read the statements below and decide which of them refer more to an email or more to a blog. Some of them are important for both text types. Email Blog Email and blog b, WRITING 9 a Start a new paragraph for each bullet point. b Write five paragraphs (reasons for writing, three bullet points, complimentary close). c Make sure you fully understand the writer’s view before commenting on it. d Sign off at the end. e State your user name. f Let the reader know that you want to stay in contact. g Involve your readers. h Do what the function words ask of you (e.g. explain, describe, etc.). i Refer to the contents of your writing in the subject. j Use formal or informal language, depending on your readership. k Your writing is intended for a large audience. l Write to a particular person. m Invite readers to comment. n Address and develop each of the bullet points. o State your reason for writing. p Read the prompt carefully before you start writing. q Proofread your writing at the end. r Be aware that anyone who has access to the internet can read your writing. Read part of Jessica’s email and do the task below. 10 … My art teacher just laughed at my new tattoo. It looks cheap, she said. I was so angry, you know what I did? I raised my middle finger. Of course, she wasn’t meant to see it, but she did … You have decided to reply to Jessica. In your email you should:  say how you feel about her situation  suggest what she should do now  explain what you think about tattoos Write around 250 words. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv