way2go! 6. Practice Pack, Arbeitsheft

64 Unit 12 | Going global Read the text about American brands and culture. Some words are missing. Choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for each gap (1–8). Put a cross (  ) in the correct box. The first one (0) has been done for you. LANGUAGE IN USE 6 Made in the USA: How American brands rule the world You’re late for your date. You quickly pull on your Levi’s and do up your Nike trainers. You get into your Ford and listen to the latest Katy Perry album as you make your (0) to the cinema. Too late, the new Tom Cruise blockbuster has already started, and you don’t really want to see the Quentin Tarantino film. Never mind, your date suggests getting a coffee at Starbucks and maybe catching a later showing. This could be a scene from (1) life in any number of countries around the world, with special thanks to the USA for (2) it all possible. For many globalisation critics, the word ‘globalisation’ has become synonymous with ‘Americanisation’ – the unwelcome invasion of American culture in all shapes and sizes into our lives. (3) we like it or not, no other culture has had so much success in imposing itself on the world. Americans might argue that the success is (4) to a superior product, but as with so many things these days, the quality of the product is not so important; it’s the quality of the marketing that really matters. When faced with American marketing, no other country (5) a chance. But it’s not just about making the American message spread (6) the world. As with everything, it’s all about the dollar. When you consider that the world trade in goods with cultural content – that is films, music and TV – tripled from 67 billion dollars in 1980 to over 200 billion dollars in 1991 and has continued to rise ever since, you can understand (7) the Americans want to dominate in these international markets. Entertainment is big business, and it doesn’t get much bigger than the American entertainment business. So as we all watch the decrease in our own nation’s cultural output, we can start to (8) forward to a bright Hollywood future. 0 A direction B way C route D walk 1 A normal B usual C boring D everyday 2 A doing B making C having D letting 3 A Since B If C But D Whether 4 A due B like C because D so 5 A makes B has C takes D gives 6 A on B beside C in D around 7 A what B where C why D who 8 A look B view C see D watch Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv