way2go! 6. Practice Pack, Arbeitsheft

57 “It will be all right. When Yvonne asked me why you did that, I assured her you didn’t mean to be rude, but it was just your culture. In the end, it will help the children learn that different people do things in different ways around the world … But right now the kids are so shocked! Didn’t you hear them saying, ‘No!’ to stop you?” I felt absolutely terrible. That wonderful teacher and those forty kids had gone out of their way to get me a stunning gift, and I had reacted incredibly rudely. Argh! “But in my culture,” I sniffled, “they wrap the present because it makes it more exciting when you slash it open!” “That makes no sense,” said Oliver. “Why would you wrap something just to have it opened? They wrapped it so you could take it home and open it there. Otherwise the surprise is ruined.” 0 The author of the text A was on a bike tour. B had been teaching for three months. C was talking on the phone to a friend in the USA. D had been studying in an English class. 1 The school A had cultural education classes. B taught students to play drums. C had banned dancing. D had enough resources for the pupils. 2 When the author received a present, A she was embarrassed. B another teacher gave a long speech. C she was delighted. D her partner made the situation clear. 3 When opening the gift, the author A knew immediately what to do. B took some photos of it. C could sense that something wasn’t right. D was dissatisfied with it. 4 After finding out her mistake, the author felt A angry about the cultural misunderstanding. B frustrated by her partner’s lack of help. C relieved that nobody had said anything. D shocked at her pupils’ reactions. 5 The local teacher was A pleased that the author liked her gift. B amused by the author’s rudeness. C confused by the author’s behaviour. D relaxed about this cultural difference. 6 The difference between the two cultures was the A purpose of the wrapping. B material of the wrapping paper. C recipient’s words of thanks. D reaction to the opened present. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eig ntum des Verlags öbv