way2go! 6. Practice Pack, Arbeitsheft

54 Unit 10 | Bigger, better, faster, stronger Now you are going to watch the second part of the documentary again. While watching, complete the sentences below. 1 If we all use cars at the same time, our roads can’t  . 2 Not only can she read a  , but she can steer at the same time. 3 We think it’s going to be hard to  a car that will drive for you if … 4 The car is a prototype, which means there isn’t much room for your  … 5 What Shelley, the robot car, does is tie them  . 6 It’s going to be a very long time before the car is of getting you … Medicine and technology Use the expressions from the box to complete the sentences. medical facility  medical treatment  medication  medicine  medicine  technical  technology 1 If someone is having a heart attack, they need immediate in a hospital. 2 If you have a cold, you probably don’t need to go to the doctor; just get some from the chemist’s. 3 A hospital, a clinic and a health centre are all examples of a . 4 After her stroke, the patient was put on strong . 5 Modern makes it much easier to diagnose medical problems. 6 It takes many years to finish studying . 7 There was a problem, so the doctors couldn't use the X-ray machine. AI – word families Complete the table below. Noun (idea/concept) Noun (person) Verb Adjective drive — predict navigational robotics — — save reported b BBC 06 k8z22e LANGUAGE 6 LANGUAGE 7 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv