way2go! 6. Practice Pack, Arbeitsheft

53 Unexpected risks of self-driving cars Self-driving cars don’t drink and drive, fall asleep at the wheel, text or talk on the phone while driving. With their sensors and processors, they navigate roads without any of (5) that can result in accidents. But there is something self-driving cars do not yet deal with very well – the unexpected. The human brain is still better than (6) in the face of sudden, unforeseen events on the road – a child running into the street, (7) or a fallen tree branch. Computers can ensure that self-driving cars obey (8) – making them turn, stop and slow down, but this technology can’t control (9)  . Added to this, snow, rain, fog and other types of weather make driving difficult for humans, and it’s no different for driverless cars, which stay in their lanes by using cameras that track lines on the pavement. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 D A demand for scarce road space G these human failings B a powerful argument for H partial automation of driving C a swerving cyclist I the rules of the road D an increase in road safety J the driving jobs that could be lost E the biggest causes of congestion K the benefit of decreased traffic F the behaviour of other drivers L any computer at making decisions You are going to watch the first part of the BBC documentary on vehicles again (see coursebook, p. 136). First, study the task below, then, while watching, answer the questions (1–6) using a maximum of four words. Write your answers in the spaces provided. The first one (0) has been done for you. After watching, take some time to check your answers. LISTENING + VIEWING 5 a BBC 05 k8z22e 0 How many motorbikes are in use today? 260 million 1 How many trucks are in use today? 2 How many vehicles are in use altogether? 3 What size would a parking lot for all cars have to be? 4 How are cities designed today? 5 What can you do from inside a car? (Give one answer.) 6 What are Travis and Britney doing in the car? Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv