way2go! 6. Practice Pack, Arbeitsheft

24 Unit 04 | It’s traditional You are going to listen to the radio phone-in show on traditional stories again (see coursebook, p. 58). First, study the task below. Then, while listening, complete the sentences (1–6) using a maximum of four words. Write your answers in the spaces provided. The first one (0) has been done for you. After listening, take some time to check your answers. LISTENING 4 10 gm9pi9 Read Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf by Roald Dahl again (see coursebook, p. 60). First decide whether the statements (1–6) are true (T) or false (F) and put a cross (  ) in the correct box. Then identify the sentence in the text which supports your decision. Write the first four words of this sentence in the space provided. There may be more than one correct answer; write down only one. The first one (0) has been done for you. READING 5 Statements T F First four words 0 Wolf chews Grandma slowly. He ate her up 1 Little Red Riding Hood has been shopping for Grandma. 2 Wolf lies in Grandma’s bed. 3 Wolfie thinks Little Red Riding Hood will taste better than Grandma. 4 Little Red Riding Hood doesn’t mention Wolf’s teeth. 5 Little Red Riding Hood keeps her gun in her handbag. 6 Little Red Riding Hood makes Wolf into a piece of clothing. 0 The radio show host wants to hear . his callers’ opinions 1 Jessica reads to . 2 When a character makes a mistake in the story, he/she . 3 Trent enjoyed fairy tales . 4 He says that traditional tales can make children . 5 Joy says traditional tales are a . 6 The people who should talk to children about traditional tales are . Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv