way2go! 6. Practice Pack, Arbeitsheft

22 Unit 04 It’s traditional Read the text on the different New Year’s traditions again (coursebook, pp. 52/53). Choose the correct texts (A–D) for each question (1–10). You can use a text more than once. Write your answers in the boxes provided. The first one (0) has been done for you. In which country should you celebrate New Year’s if you … READING 1 Unit 04 | It’s traditional 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 C want to settle an argument with someone? 0 don’t like noise and prefer a peaceful celebration? 1 would like good luck in both love and money in the next year? 2 want to see a tradition that is over in a few seconds? 3 4 would like to see a recently invented tradition? 5 want to see a celebration where colour is of main importance? 6 enjoy eating, drinking and standing around a fire? 7 believe giving someone a gift is the best way to bring them luck? 8 really enjoy competing against other people? 9 10 Word pairs Match the words from the box to make phrases and then use them to complete the sentences. adrenaline  children  good  fight  fist  luck  naughty  resolutions  rush  New Year’s 1 I make every year on the 1 st of January, but I never keep them! 2 People in Peru believe that a will bring them more peace in the New Year. 3 The excitement of taking part in the Krampuslauf will give people an  . 4 Krampus likes to stuff in his bag. 5 Don’t forget to wear yellow underwear if you want in the New Year. LANGUAGE 2 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv