way2go! 5. Practice Pack, Arbeitsheft

9 Read the answers a famous person gave in an interview. Write down the correct questions. 1  I was born in London, but the one in Canada, not England! 2  I’m a little over six feet tall. 3  I started acting at school and got my first acting job when I was 13. 4  My first job as an actor was for a TV series called The Mickey Mouse Club in 1993. Some of the other people on the series were Justin Timberlake, Christina Aguilera and Britney Spears. 5  Not really. Justin was a very close friend at the time, but we don’t see much of each other now. 6  After The Mickey Mouse Club , I was very lucky to get roles in lots of great movies, such as The Believer or Murder by Numbers . 7  The greatest moment in my career was the Oscar nomination for the lead role in Half Nelson . Can you guess the name of the star that was interviewed? 8 a b Read the tips for writing an informal email. Four of them are correct, but three are wrong. Cross out the wrong tips and write the corrections on the lines below. WRITING 9 The dos and don’ts in an informal email 1 You often start your informal email with Hi or Hello . 2 You always put an exclamation mark ( ! ) after Dear friend . 3 You usually end your email with Yours faithfully . 4 You may use short forms, such as I’ll , isn’t , can’t , etc. 5 You never start a new paragraph for a new idea or bullet point. 6 You sometimes use sentence starters such as anyway , well , etc. 7 You may use exclamation marks ( ! ) to stress certain ideas. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv