way2go! 5. Practice Pack, Arbeitsheft

7 Listen to the poem A friend like you . Decide if the statements are true or false. LISTENING 5 a 31 56m8ae Listen to the poem again and fill in the correct words. The first one has been done for you. b 1  to value sb.: jmdn. wertschätzen 2  to be blessed with sth.: mit etw. gesegnet sein 1 The poet has many things in life that he/she is thankful for. 2 The poet has too many problems. 3 The poet values 1 his/her friend more than anything else. 4 The friend knows what to do without being told. 5 The poet thinks it’s wise to get to know new friends. True False A friend like you There’s lots of things With which I’m (1)    blessed 2 , My problems have been (2) , But of all, this one’s the (3) : To have a friend like (4) . In times of trouble Friends will (5) , “Just ask, I’ll (6) you through it.” But you don’t wait for me to (7) , You just get up and (8) it! And I can (9) Of nothing more That I could wisely (10) , Than (11) a friend, And (12) a friend, And (13) a friend like you. (Author unknown) Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv